Well folks, we are a little bit past the halfway point of this semester and this course. One thing that is always "funny" to me is that some students don't realize that they are in school until midterm grades come out. They make a vow to change and fix their grades, habits, and outlook on their academic performance. They change their ways for about two weeks, then they slip back into the same habits.
I put quotation marks around "funny" because it really is not funny so much as it is sad. The semester usually ends with them going through the stages of grief when their grades are not what they should be. First, they go through denial - "I didn't see this coming. I came to class, I turned in my work..." Second, they go through anger - "I can't believe YOU gave me this grade...I hate you for this..." Then it goes to bargaining - "Is there anything I can do? I was going through a lot this semester." Then the students get depressed before ultimately they accept their fate.
This blog comes out of the many traditional students who don't have a strong sense of why they are in school and why when it comes to their grades they do not, as Beyonce said, "Check Up On It." Why do you think that students run from their grades all semester, then run to them at the end? In your years of school, is this a trend that you have noticed? Why is it that students think that by bargaining, they will get by when their work is not indicative of it? Is this a culture that we as a society have created?
Mr. C
Remember, this blog is due by 11:59 PM on Friday October 20. Remember that responses need to be at least 250 words. Also, make sure you comment on this blog - DO NOT create your own in response to this one.
I put quotation marks around "funny" because it really is not funny so much as it is sad. The semester usually ends with them going through the stages of grief when their grades are not what they should be. First, they go through denial - "I didn't see this coming. I came to class, I turned in my work..." Second, they go through anger - "I can't believe YOU gave me this grade...I hate you for this..." Then it goes to bargaining - "Is there anything I can do? I was going through a lot this semester." Then the students get depressed before ultimately they accept their fate.
This blog comes out of the many traditional students who don't have a strong sense of why they are in school and why when it comes to their grades they do not, as Beyonce said, "Check Up On It." Why do you think that students run from their grades all semester, then run to them at the end? In your years of school, is this a trend that you have noticed? Why is it that students think that by bargaining, they will get by when their work is not indicative of it? Is this a culture that we as a society have created?
Mr. C
Remember, this blog is due by 11:59 PM on Friday October 20. Remember that responses need to be at least 250 words. Also, make sure you comment on this blog - DO NOT create your own in response to this one.
Why do you think that students run from their grades all semester, then run to them at the end?
I think that students run from their grades all semester, then run to them at the end because during the semester they think that their grades are satisfactory , just because they have not missed any classes and have turned in their work. But also some students such as my younger self believe that it is the teachers or the professor job to let us know or inform us when our grades are not where they should be and when they do not then we think that our grades must be fine and that is not always the case. In middle and high school you may have teachers who keep you up on your grades and give you opportunities to improve your grade, but in college you should be mature enough to keep track of your own grades and not wait until the end of the semester to try to do something about them because at that point it is too late.
In your years of school, is this a trend that you have noticed?
Yes in my years of school this is a trend that i have noticed every year since middle school, so it is not surprising. I guess when your are in middle and high school the teachers are more willing to try to help you succeed and give you more chances. Like i remember in highschool if you scored under an 70 on a exam you had the opportunity to retake the exam for a higher grade. So students did not take grades seriously because they always knew if they did bad that there was always a chance for them to fix their grade. So in college they think that the system is still the same, but it is not.
Why is it that students think that by bargaining, they will get by when their work is not indicative of it? Is this a culture that we as a society have created?
Students think that by bargaining they will get by when their work is not indicative of it because for some students it is what they are use to during grade school. And for other students they think that they can get their way no matter what and some students just give it a try to see of they can get by or not. I somewhat believe that it is a culture that we as a society have created because as a society we have made it okay for people to get by or away with things based on their wealth or connections. So if there is an easy way out , people believe that it is okay to take the easy way out instead of doing the hard work or dedication that is involved. No i do not agree with the culture that we as a society have created because “ back in the day” i know people such as my great grandparents worked hard for everything that they had and wanted nothing was given to them. In today’s society many families/parents don’t make their children work for anything , everything is given to them. So they bring that same idea to school with them and think that if it can’t be given to them that they can just bargain their way .
In my experience, Im not going to lie, I have done this in high school a couple of times but I knew that I couldn’t bring academic traits with me from high school to college. This is something that you really can’t do in college. It is a totally different environment. I think some students do get caught up with a lot of their social life and they don’t know how or they need help in balancing out their social life and their academics. Some students do not understand how to balance both out. But of course when it does come down to and they do need to get there grades up they will end up probably asking the teacher or professor for any help or what they can do. I try and stay on top of my work in all of my classes so I can have the free time that I desire to have, instead of do things at the last moment. When I do get caught up and end up doing something late, I usually think of ways to help me get things done better. For instants I will make a note in my calendar in up coming assignments that I know have to be done on a certain date. But of course you don’t want to settle for the grades that you have received and this is where I think bargaining comes in to play. You will have to try and see if that professor can help you or get points wherever you can so that grade can come up. A good amount of people have done this before, and if you haven’t, good keep staying on top of your work.
I think students run from their grades because they have this idea that the teacher is going to “look out” or “bless them” at the end of the semester because the teacher/professor is this nice person. Now this is the wrong attitude to have because there are some teachers who would do this but, it’s the student’s responsibility to check up on their grades and if they see their grades aren’t the best ask for help. I have this idea that “the early birds gets the worm” so therefore if the student isn’t doing so well in that class, if they talk to that teacher/ professor in the beginning they might be able to retake a test or turn in missing work. This is a major trend that I’ve noticed and I don’t like it because they are going to be in the real world with a real job and when their boss says “I need this on my desk by 2:00” their boss means it and is not going to accept it late because they are feeling nice or is having a good day. I honestly have no idea why students think that bargaining will get by because it might work the first time but it won’t work all the time because at a certain point it gets old and played out. I do not think that society has created that culture because the people living in society lives in the real world and know how it goes, I think that it’s a “monkey see monkey do” type of thing because students use the excuse “Well you let him turn it in late so why can’t I?” but in reality that person had an excuse for why he was able to turn in his work late. That’s just like calling the water company and saying “My next door neighbor paid her bill late and you didn’t cut her water off so why did you cut off mine?” its ridiculous honestly.
As freshman the idea of college is new to us. We have not experienced living on our own, and being able to make our own decisions. So when it comes to college there are many events on and off campus that students can attend. We tend to focus more on the social side than the academic side. So when midterms come around students realize that the semester is almost over, and they need to get their stuff together before their parents view their grades. Though I have never been the type of person to worry about grades until the end, I have seen kids and have had friends that do. Then at the end of semester they have a pile of makeup work to do. I think students attempt to bargain because they believe that professors will have pity on them. Though we are technically “adults” we still are babied, and we hope that professors will have compassion and not allow us to fail. I think that professors should not help students after deadlines are past. As rising adults we must be able to take responsibility for our actions, and learn how to keep moving forward after we make mistakes. Once a student has gotten a bad grade due to them not doing what they are supposed to do, they normally will not make that mistake again. I think the reason this happens so often is because these children are used to their parents dealing with their issues, so now they have to do deal with it alone and aren’t used to it.
I think students don’t check up on their grades because they really think that they are passing the class. They made up in they mind that they passed and that don’t need to check up on anything. Then once it’s time he or she tries to look at their grades at end thinking that he or she is passing when in reality. My years of school I haven’t really noticed it. I mean the student knew they were failing they just didn’t do nothing about it till it was close to report cards or speaking now midterms. That’s when they then try and get on their A game. I honestly think that the student think that the teacher or professor will feel sorry for them and help them. I think the student will try and tell some sad story to the teacher or professor and be like that’s the reason that he or she couldn’t do the work or that’s why he or she couldn’t perform to the best of their abilities. When really they just didn’t want to do the work so they half did it or didn’t do it at all. Me personally I do but I don’t believe that society created it. I do because it do be some people that would try and do that to get over on a teacher specially of the teacher is nice and allow it. But then we have the students that are like me that do there work on time and stay on their grades every chance they get.
I think that students don’t focus on their grades during the school year, because sometimes we have a tendency to focus on other pointless things, like what are friends are doing, what parties are going on, and social media. Instead, we should be worrying about what are assignments are, and when they are due. We go through the whole year not handling our responsibilities, but once we see our grades at the end of the year, we make excuses, and blame everybody but ourselves. I’m saying “we” because I have had a tendency to do this in high school in my freshman and sophomore years. I was being lazy and unfocused in some of my classes all year, and finally I started checking up on my grade towards the end of the year and I was surprised to see I was failing, but that was the grade I deserved. That made me start focusing and I barely passed the class. I never tried to bargain with any teachers, cause I knew the only way I could fix my grade was if I focused and worked harder. I have seen other people try to bargain in different ways, asking for extra credit, trying to get to the teacher the raise one of their grades, or drop their lowest grade. I think that as a society we have a tendency to procrastinate, not everyone does it but many people postpone things until the last minute. A lot of people in society also blame others for their mistakes and problems, and I think that is why you see so many students get upset with the teacher instead of holding themselves accountable.
I literally laughed while reading this blog because it is very true. I have seen most of my friends slack off thinking that they can get things done later on. They then realize that it is too late and do get mad because they cannot get their way. I don’t think that students run from their grades in the beginning, I assume that they have a great relationship with that specific teacher that even they believe that they can get what they want. Through my years in school EVEN employment, I have seen students, coworkers and even fellow soldiers wait until the last minute to get their work done. After they realize that they have been screwing up this whole time, they then assume that “hey my teacher and I are cool and they will give me a chance to get my grades right.” Some teachers do want their students to succeed so they help them out by giving out extra credit or some type of assignment to bring up their grades. Even though they are not helping them realize that one day they will need to grow up and do their own thing, then instead giving them a pat on the back and pretty much saying “do better next time.” Crazy part is that “next time” they are going to do the exact same thing. I hate when I hear students say “I had a lot going on,” because myself in the Army, full-time job, full-time school and a 2 month old baby to take care and I still get everything done. No one should come up with an excuse to get things done. Friendships between teachers/professors and students is what created this ongoing problem of students wanting to bargain to get things done at the end. There is no problem with being friends but there is a limit.
I think that students run from their grades all semester and run to them at the end because some think that they are still in high school and that their professor is going to basically hold their hand and help them through the semester about their grade when that is not true. Also, when you enter college students have a different kind of freedom than what they are used to so they lose focus on their grades and spend more time doing other things instead of going to class and handling their responsibilities. Once reality hits them and they actually see their grades that's when they want any help they can get. In my years of school this is a trend that I’ve noticed, especially with athletes because many athletes think that since they play sports they basically can slack off and do what they want, but at the end when grades are in they are the ones that need better grades and need help to pass a class. I believe that some students think that the professor will feel some type of sympathy for them when they see that they are in desperate need of a good grade. Things like this may have worked in high school in order to get your way, but not in college because you are expected to be mature enough to handle your own responsibilities. I believe that our some people in our generation are used to others handling their issues and responsibilities for them. Now you have to take care of your own things because there's no one here to do things like that for them.
I think students run from their grades because they think their grades will improve after they are not satisfied with what they have in the first place. Some students say they will do better but their habits usually do not change. I also think that some students think teachers will give them a chance to improve their grade towards the ending of the semester, which most will not. I noticed a trend, but it will probably happen more now that everyone is in college. Some students take the opportunity to ask for extra credit to improve their grade in the middle of the semester, instead of waiting until we are about to take our final exams. My generation is kind of used to having people hand them stuff, in a way, we usually can get by with certain things. Bargaining only can work so much and half the time it does not even work, or it is too late, which happens to most people who do not decide to take their chance. Overall, I do think a trend has been created by doing this, young adults these days are not always used to dealing with their own problems, but we have to learn that we have to work for what we want, and where we want to be in life. Everything is not going to keep being handed to us, it is all about putting in hard work, especially on your own part. The real world is going to come faster than we think it is.
From my personal experience, I will admit that I have been slacking sometimes in High School. I'm not one of those students not to turn in work. When I mean by slacking is that when it was time to present a project I would procrastinate and give impromptu speeches to the class, basically, I wasn't really prepared, but I never went out failing. I could have been better well prepared, but things happen. I feel as if students run from their grades and run back to them at the end because during the time we are not really concerned about what is going on until we get that progress report and there are failing grades on it. Progress reports are really helpful because it is like a wake up call. In my High School, I have noticed that students have been making slacking a trend. One of my associates was really good at not turning in work, or even skip class. That associate tend to bargain teachers because he was a basketball player and the basketball coach even helped him not fail when everyone knew he was suppose to. I believe bargaining can help depending on who the person is. If theirs a student in the class who is a disturbance and doesn't get any work done, then I see why the teacher would not help the student out. whereas if theirs a student in the class who is always on time and get their work done and behaves well, but fails on test, then I see where a little help can come into play, such as extra credit. I think that the society that we are in today will continue to give everyone what they want. I honestly believe that it will not change. You do have some people who are fair and then you have those who don't and just care about the check that they are receiving.
To me I think that students run from their grades majority of the semester because in the beginning everyone is focused and wanting to get good grades. After about 2 weeks or so students tend to get comfortable with the surroundings around them and start building a strong social status ultimately leaving with some student’s content with their grades. Usually at the time when some students get content with their grades they begin to lack and stop turning in work or half do the work instead of actually putting effort into the assignment, but by the time when students realize that they need to do something about it it’s too late. As for the stages like " why did YOU give me this grade" o believe that just goes with maturity and responsibility because with myself for example I was struggling in my classes not because I couldn't understand the topic but just because I got content. So, I happened to look at my grades frequently and that's when I saw I needed to change and instead of blaming someone else I accepted the grade I earned and manage to pull those grades up. with that being said students need to accept their grades because the blaming stage is wasting extra time that is needed. I did notice this trend because many factors can affect a student’s grades but if it is something important everyone will understand and that person just needs to work diligently to catch up. But if the problem is that they couldn’t handle social and academic status which is the most common issue that students face that is on them to be able to balance the two because they had all semester to learn. I don’t think this is a society we created either even though it shows more frequently.
Personally, I was one of those students in high school. I wouldn't work up to my full potential and study like I KNEW I should and when it was time for grades to come out I would do everything I could to bring my grade up. I would turn in old assignments, try to get an extra credit assignment and all. I think a lot of students are procrastinators, not that they don't care about their grade but they do everything except what they are supposed to be doing and try to fix it before it's too late. College is stressful and you can't let your emotions get in the way of staying focused. Were on our own now we don't have anyone dragging us out of bed or constantly checking grades, or signing report cards and progress reports, so it's all on us how serious we take it. I know in high school my Freshman and Sophomore year I was getting in trouble and not being as smart as I know I am, which messed up my GPA. I regret doing that because when I matured my Junior and Senior year I realized I wanted to go to college and started working hard as I could to bring my GPA up. I just know in college I don't want to make the same mistakes, the classes are easier and spaced out but it's just all on managing your time and taking action and keeping a good grade. It's a very hard transition to make but to be successful you have to break your bad habits. I know some students who are fresh in college are so fascinated with the freedom and parties and might forget what they are really here for. I think Freshman year would be the hardest because you are in a totally different environment, it' s just all on how you make it.
I believe that often times students chose the bargaining method simply because of procrastination, their priorities are not lined up, maybe their focus isn’t on academics but more on parties and a social life. Sometimes students can go through situations in their lives or in their families that could possibly cause them to lose focus on the most important things. Often times students are just plain lazy and forget the reason they are in college. This happens because college is all about academics, adjusting to a new life, meeting new people, etc. Sometimes that can be too much for a person to handle all at once but again it’s all about time management and how well the student have their priorities in line. The student has to realize that they have entered this new chapter of adult life and are really on their own without being guided by parents. College isn’t the same as middle and high school where there’s someone to motivate the student and persuade them to realize that academics is important and that it should be a main priority. During my junior and senior year of highschool, I noticed that students feel that they are grown and are almost done. However, they don’t understand the keyword “almost”. Which means you’re not done yet. Some students get so caught up in being almost done that they forget that they still have work to complete, scholarship applications, and sometimes have to complete a senior project. Based on my high school experience towards the end, our teachers honestly just gave up and barely assign work for us to do. Sometimes when teachers get tired and are ready to go on vacation for the summer, it allows students to feel as if the last couple of months on high school are no longer important. I think that some students think that by bargaining they will still have a chance to pass. It is factual that some students work better under pressure. Although, going this route isn’t healthy or helpful rather, some students prefer to do this. I don’t think it’s based off of culture or society. However I do believe that it’s all in the person's mind and how much academics mean to them.
I would say, Im not going to mislead anybody, I have done this in secondary school a few times yet I realized that I couldn't carry scholarly characteristics with me from secondary school to college. This is something that you truly can't do in college. It is a very surprising condition. I figure a few understudies do get made up for lost time with a considerable measure of their social life and they don't know how or they require help in offsetting their social life and their school work. A few understudies don't see how to adjust both out. Obviously when it comes down to and they do need to arrive reviews up they will wind up likely approaching the educator or teacher for any assistance or what they can do. I attempt and remain over my work in the majority of my classes so I can have the leisure time that I want to have, rather than get things done finally. When I do get got up to speed and wind up accomplishing something late, I typically consider approaches to enable me to show signs of improvement. For moments I will make a note in my logbook in up coming assignments that I know must be done on a specific date. Obviously you would prefer not to agree to the evaluations that you have gotten and this is the place I think bartering comes in to play. You should attempt and check whether that teacher can help you or get focuses wherever you would so be able to that review can come up. A decent measure of individuals have done this some time recently, and in the event that you haven't, great continue remaining over your work.
I personally think that students run from their grades all semester because they are their own self advocate and they can easily talk their selves into doing or not doing things. Such as a student failing can say okay maybe I froze up during the exam but really knew the material while in actuality they knew part of it but if they had of studied they could have done better but they have the self confidence and have reassured themselves that they just froze, some students are typically over confident. In my years of school yes I have typically noticed this trend of students just doing enough to get by then when they get a C around midterms they say "okay, I got this it will be a A, if I just work a little harder", then comes the time to work harder they do the same as before just enough to pass because they are not only over confident about at least passing but they are comfortable until the average is giving then they become with drawled and feel some what depressed and push through the next few assignments but usually eventually falling back into old habits of just getting by. Students think that bargaining is a new way of success because typically people like to see other people do good and so if they give a sob story along with a bargain they expect that person to feel sorry and help them in the end. Where it is not going to always go good in some cases, I personally believe you work and earn what you get, money can not buy happiness, or as some say the more money the more problems. It is all about what you do to help your self, you are the center of your own happiness and know exactly what you have to do for you.
I think the reason students forget they are actually here at college to get an education is because we’re young adults and we have more freedom than what we had back in high school. Some people take college seriously and some don’t. College isn’t all about parties and hanging out late at night. In no way am I saying you can’t do those things while you’re here, however, if you look at the bigger picture, you paid thousands of dollars (if you didn’t get a scholarship) to go to class, learn something, and apply that to the career you are going after. A big problem that students face is procrastination. They are not so worried about grades in the beginning because they think they still have time to catch up. The end comes before you know it and that’s when they start scrambling. Students tend to get angry at the teacher because they feel that the teacher should have notified them about missing work or their grades. I do feel that sometimes teachers should give notifications just in case the student really did miss something, but if they didn’t do it intentionally, then that’s on them. I don’t think we as a society have created this bad habit because not everyone does this. It honestly depends on the person and there work ethics. Some students are very organized and have great time management skills, whereas some students don’t. It also depends on whether the student takes their education seriously or not.
I believe that students run from their grades because if they see their grade they might get unmotivated or maybe the student does not want to see their grade because they believe they are doing well. Even though I witnessed these behaviors through my schooling career, I never executed them because I am the type of student that wants to know how my grades are fluctuating because once your grades slip it’s hard to get them back up again. Eventually, when the student runs to the grade at the end, is because they are checking to see if they are going to pass or not. My years in school I have noticed that a lot of students do have this type of attitude towards their grades, but I could never understand why because once their grade came back they wanted to get angry with the teacher. Some students will try to bargain because they know it will work with some teachers. Also, they feel that they can bargain the teacher because they did it throughout their middle and high school careers. Another reason students often chose the bargaining method is because of procrastination, their priorities are not in order. This is a bad habit that I believe that will break you in college because the professors are not as willing as they were in high school and middle school. I would not say that society has created this practice but maybe the different parenting styles that are being taught to these students.
The biggest issue with students waiting til the last minute to do their work is because of procrastination. This is something most students do. It can be many reasons as to why students procrastinate. It can be because things are happening on campus so they feel like they have to be apart of it also or it can be because they just forgot. Since I’ve been in school, this is a major trend that takes place all the time. I myself am guilty of this act and I’m not proud of it. There are ways around it, but some people are not used to having so much work on themselves and are very bad with time management. Students try to get by from bargaining because they were use to doing that in high school but college is a whole new environment and some students don’t realize that. So what they do is play around, procrastinate until the work is due and then be struggling to get work turned in on time. That’s how you stress yourself out. If you don’t turn the work in on time, then you’re more than likely out of luck. There are no making up assignments, no letting things slide, none of that. You just have to deal with it and accept the consequences. We bring stress upon ourselves because we don’t do what we need to do to get by. I feel that we as students should do better for ourselves, do our work on time and stop making excuses.
I'm not even going to flex like I was never one of those students that waited until the last minute to try to get my grades up, but I do find it "funny" as well. Im not saying that I did it all the time, but I feel that everyone has their moment in life where they slip up on their grades.
Why do you think that students run from their grades all semester, then run to them at the end?
In my opinion I wouldn’t necessarily say that we "run away from our grades", but more that we get so caught up in life and forget what we came to school to do. It's all fun and games until midterm grades come around or end of semester testing come around and you have a F in the class, then what ? As a college student our teachers are not going to spoon feed us and tell us to look at our grades every day or tell you if you are failing, it's all on you. You can either stay up all night every night partying and doing whatever or you can buckle down and do what you have to do. Yeah you can do both, but you have to know your limits and make sure you don’t get caught up.
In your years of school, is this a trend that you have noticed?
I wouldn’t necessarily call it a trend, because who would just want to wait until the last minute and put their self through all that stress because they didn’t want to do what they had to do. It's just something as students we get caught up in doing.
Why is it that students think that by bargaining, they will get by when their work is not indicative of it?
To be honest I really don’t know why students think that they can bargain their way out of work. I guess it because we feel if we talk our way around it we can get it our way and I would say like 50% of the time it'll work. I feel as human beings we will bargain our way out of anything, it's like our second nature.
Is this a culture that we as a society have created?
I wouldn’t say it is a culture, but a bad habit that needs to be broken. Yes it is very common but it's not something that people would just want to do, but something that happens to the best of us.
I personally think that students run from their grades at the beginning of the semester because no one is really pushing them to do otherwise and they don't think its important until they see they aren't doing well. I can say this because I was like that when I was In high school I would wait to do assignments the day they were due and I would not pay attention until I saw that my grade was not good. I am sure there isn't any student that wants to fail and maybe that has a part in why students do things at the last minute. The reason I say this is because some students don't really check up on the grade until the last minute and that is when they noticed they did not do the work. I could see this happening at my high school all the time several students would wait to do assignments and sometimes it would be to late. Some students would say it was because they had other more important things to do but I do not think that was the case. I think that when it comes to school work some people do not really look at it as something important but as something that won't really matter and that is why i think people come back to it at the last minute because they can see how it could effect them. I think just like the students are at fault so are some teachers. I say this because at the high school i attended the students knew that the teachers didn't really care and wouldn't end up grading half of the work. Throughout my high school experience I had a couple classes where the work we did in class was never graded. I think it is something that is like a culture in our day but i think this only applies to some people and mostly high school students. Like I mentioned earlier I was like that in high school but when I started college I have made sure that most of my assignments were completed on time and made sure I didn't miss any assignments.
Typically, today students tend to stay on top of their schoolwork and grades in the first-three weeks into the new school year. After a while, they start losing focus of their main priority, which is school and put more of their interest in their social life. This does not apply to everyone of course for instance myself. I tend to stay focus on school from the start until the end and make sure my grades are where I'm satisfied. The only time I put interest on my social life is whenever I have free time. In my years of schooling, I have noticed this type of trend and it is sad to see that happening because once grades start to go down it is hard to bring them back up. Especially when there is a deadline to turn in the work, it can get overwhelming. That is when students start to bargain, which sometimes works with teachers and sometimes it does not. Especially if the student has done it constantly and eventually they will think it will always work. Also, their procrastination can get to them and make them bargain. This is not a culture that we as a society have created. It more on the person because not everyone does the same thing. By the same thing I mean a person work ethic varies from person to person. Some students are organized and on time of doing their work, whereas other students do not have that same ability. Also, it can come down to whether the student takes their education serious or not.
From my perspective, I believe as freshman we have to transition quickly from high school students to a college freshman. This transition might not be easy for students who didn't receive the correct knowledge, On how to conduct themselves on a college campus with effective tools .Such as proper studying habits , good time management , knowing how to function in a higher standard society. Also they might not have experienced the workload of being in an institution like winston salem state university. Where assignments did not come up as steadily and/or challenging .
This is why many students seem to fall back into the same bad habits . They allow themselves to feel as if they are still in high school . Where they can procrastinate on assignments and stay out all night. For a lot of people this is the defining factor in their down fall . This may be one of the key factors but far from the only factor. Many students lose focus of their main objective of being in school. A few weeks into the semester students will be on top of their grades and assignments for the most part.Once accustomed to the schedule and teacher they feel they can lack off. They seem to put forth more effort in the social aspect of being in college . Verse the actual purpose which is to get an degree and graduate.
In my case I can handle the workload and the responsibility that comes with being a college student. I have great time management skill , although i do require work on my studying habits. I feel wssu is not a place where you can slack off and still make good grades.
Specifically referring to first year college students, I believe the whole new idea of freedom comes at us with full force which tends to cause a lack of responsibility in most. Not only are grades impacted but behavior and daily living habits as well. I feel like as fresh high school graduates, we are already accustomed to the babysitting type of learning environment. Throughout grades K-12 there was always a teacher, counselor, or parent constantly in your face about what you need to do or else, but college is totally different. There is no guidance, there is no push, and there is no reminder. Once your parents make their final departure and you begin your 4-year journey, it’s just solely you, yourself, and your own determination to make it out. Moreover, there are some individuals who aren’t used to having any freedom at all while living at home and once they reach college their minds go ballistic and they over abuse their new freedom which usually results in an instant decline of grades. Although the famous message everyone always relays to incoming freshman is to make sure your work hard your first year to build a strong foundation, no one ever further explains the fact that the semesters go by in a blink of an eye and if you don’t learn to prioritize and buckle down in this new environment you will be one those students running to their grades in the end which almost never turns out good. All it takes is a couple mistakes and next thing you know your either on academic probation or back in a class you could have easily passed the previous year if you did your do diligence. In my four years of high school it was highly common to not take pride in education simply because it didn’t take much effort to get in and get out. Speaking from personal experience, I wouldn’t say it was a piece of cake but it wasn’t nearly as hard as college and by my senior year all my hardworking effort I’ve consistently maintained throughout grade school went out the window. However, my lack of effort didn’t result in a decline in GPA or grades because as I said before school back then wasn’t a challenge if you did what you were supposed to do prior to senior year. I am not sure why some students tend to think bargaining with no work to show for it will help their case especially in college. I can understand in high school a student could easily make up the classic family emergency or death story to get a teacher to feel pity and excuse them from completing missed assignments, but In college no one is asking you to be here so any excuses are irrelevant. I wouldn’t say that as a society this is something we have created because before our generation people who actually had to work for everything in life took pride in having an education that wasn’t available to them like it is for us. They never took school for granted, merely because they didn’t have the option to especially African Americans. However I will say this generation as a whole has very lazy tendencies and will continue to increase as we populate.
They don’t check on their grades because they think that if they do the work, that they should be passing and failed to understand that quality matters, not the quantity. One of my math teachers in high school has a habit of waiting until the last minute to put grades in. Most of was waiting to see our grade on PowerSchool because he didn’t give our grades back when he grade them. It was a shock to see that the highest grade in an honor class was a C+ and we weren’t made aware of that until about 2 days before report cards came out. Other people just didn’t care about the class and were perfectly fine with getting a D. It is very annoying to me when a student all semester says” I’m not doing this etc.” and then when it time for report cards to come out than they want to be in anger with the teacher. They think that they will get their way if they complain enough, go to the principal, or have their parents complained. For some students, these methods have worked for them even when this girl had about 60 absences, she was still able to pass the class by going to the guidance counselor etc. I personally never tried to bargain with a teacher because I knew I earned that grade and usually other students will try to bargain which leads the teacher to give out extra credit assignments or give the opportunity to make up assignments and some of my teachers looked out for me. This is a culture we created because teachers will always say the next higher level is harder and they won’t put up with this and that. We get into that higher level grade or school and they do put up with it even though they will say in their introduction that they won’t.
Coming from a freshman's point of view, making that transition from high school to college is too quick. I can even relate to this, seeing my grades I realized that they weren't where they needed to be. I think once we come to college we feel free, so then when we get our grades it's a total wake up call for many. "Like dang did I really just do this for half of the semester?" Believe me when I say, it's a very tough feeling.
This is a huge and 'popular' trend that I have noticed, especially through high school. When that progress report comes out, you can tell that many students would tighten up. You could also see who didn't care. As a society, we have created this culture. This is because we simply take school (in general) for granted. As a generation, we have to get a grasp of reality and know that all of these good jobs require a degree.
I feel like the reason many college students run from their grades is because of the freedom they have. As a freshman we are given a lot more freedom than we got in highschool so we tend to abuse that freedom. A lot of people tend to start off well in keeping all their work done but once the activities and parties start people stop doing their work, also their is also the problem of people getting lazy after a while because they get tired of doing the same schedule all over and they feel like their grade is high enough to miss a few a few assignments or skip a few classes. A lot of the students i know feel like because they are paying for the classes that they can arrive whenever they want, do the assignments they want and still get a good grade. I sometimes do this as to where i think my grade is high enough to not do a hard assignment or an assignment that i think will not effect me as much, but in college we really aren’t given that many assignments so if you miss a grade assignment it may have a bigger effect on the student than they realise. Students also feel like midterms and finals are really the only grades that matter in college so they feel like the work isn’t that important, i also think attendance plays a role into the students receiving low grades in the beginning because some of the classes require attendance.
From my personal experience I believe that students run from their grades all semester because as your trying to balance everything at once such as tutoring, partying, studying, having personal fun and all the mandatory meetings its just to much at first. Then when you find your way getting a hand on things one of the habitats your’re trying to juggle is bound to drop. It may because it was to much in the first place or maybe because, like me people just get careless and say f+ it, and when you say f it you start to think who am I doing this for? , is this really for me? And then you start to realize if your back home right now you’ll either be dead or in jail like some of my peers. Also I do think this is a trend that was started but did our culture start it? No , bargaining is basically a form of “its not what you know, its who you know”. This how the world is ran it’s a way to show that you know how and possibly be an advocate for yourself. Not only do students who fail bargain for grades from the professor students that are passing with an exceptional grade bargain for something better. In all students come to school and know what they are here for. Some come and do what they supposed to do and get it done and graduate in the next 3-4 years. But like many some come because they heard “you’re not going to be anything if you don’t “GO” to college” and get here and lose track because all that they heard was go and didn’t realize they had to come here to finish.
I guess the reason some students wait so long to get themselves together is that they truly believe they have plenty of time to catch things up. Most of the students, fresh out of high school are used to their parents keeping track of their progress in school, so when it comes time to taking their situation into their own hands they get overwhelmed. With campus life, old and new friends, and happening events, to worry about actual work and grades. This is my first year at a university, and I did not know there could be so much going on outside of the classroom (compared to a community college). Once the fun begins to die down and midterm’s starts roll around the stress is on to do your best, and when the test reflects the performance the student gave, they get angry. Realizing they could have done better than what they did they blame the teaching style, the teacher or the entire institute, that’s a lot easier than saying ‘I didn’t get an A because I didn’t earn it.’ The new student do not realize that the efforts that put in will show in the results of their work. When I was in high school, I did the exact same thing, but instead of being amongst the crowd, I would go home throw my bag down and not even think of doing any work. I did not like school because I felt like I had to be there, and even after high school I went to college for a career that I did not totally love, so that also felt like I was forcing myself to be there. Once I felt the time was right to go back to school, I chose what I wanted. So maybe if the students look at their situation as a voluntary one and not a recommendation they will not brush it off.
Graduating from high school is an amazing experience many students look forward to. Unfortunately highschool graduates go to college and don't know how to juggle school and the freedom that they all of a sudden have. From my personal experience it is very hard to adjust from living with your parents in highschool, to living on your own without having someone knowing what you're doing 24/7. For the first month of school, students are adjusting, and having a care free college life. Partying, catching up on sleep, and starting that college life can be very fun until you realize you have lots of zeros, and failing assignments. It’s even worse when you realize that you can't make up the work ad so you're forced to learn the material on your own in order to be successful in the next chapters. I think students run from their grades all semester because they are aware that they are failing, and they push it off thinking, “i'll bring it up later”. Many students don't want to address their grades when they are missing assignments, they wait until they are literally failing and then they want to stress out and blame the professors. Students think that bargaining with their professor is the best thing to do, no student wants to take responsibility and explain to their family why they are kicked out of failing. My generation has created this culture and everyone seems so “okay” with not having good grades. In conclusion staying up on your grades is very important.
When students first get to college they only thinking about the freedom that they will have. For the first few weeks of school they be on they work then that starts dying down because they going to want to party, go out with friends and hang out all night until the point where they don't be wanting to get up in the mornings for that early morning class. Students get into the habit of not having somebody there to tell them what to do. That's where they slip up. You start seeing bad grades then they try to email their professor and the professor don't be having that. Don't get me wrong college is fun but you HAVE to stay on top of your work. You always have to be checking emails or something cause you never know when the teacher uploads something new. If you don't stay on your work, it just starts piling up. You are basically teaching yourself when you get to college which is good because that means if you understand it the way you taught it then doing your work should not be a problem. Failure is not a option. You are finally entering the real world, no time for fun and games. When those grades are perfect is when you can relax and have a little fun. I do not know why my generation is like this but I hope eventually it gets better.
I think that students run from their grades and run back to them at the end because in the moment it is much easier to put play before work. In a moment of choice between school and having fun or sleep it is easy to keep putting assignments off. Putting off assignments can work but many students put an assignment off and never get back to it. As that trend continues, a students is now having tons of carefree fun but at the same time assignments are piling up without even being noticed. This is until later it is brought to their attention by a teacher, progress report, or when it finally hits them that this is still school and they go running back trying to see what can be salvaged.Yes, this trend is very clear and is seen often. It also a very easy trend to fall into, I have myself many times. I think students think bargaining is supposed to work because the trend is found as socially acceptable. Society has made this a normal thing to be rewarded for failure. Many feel as if they are supposed to get more chances regardless, some of this can come from parenting. Students can feel like they are supposed to get their way no matter what because that’s what happens at home. This can cause one to have trouble taking responsibility and not be knowledgeable of how the real world works. In some cases the teacher is even looked at as the bad guy when they do not accept bargaining. I personally believe that if you choose not to do your work you should either make it a point to do it later and not fall behind or be ready to accept your failure in the end with no complaints.
In my own opinion, students tend to run to their grades at the end so they can have the feeling of "college experience". In high school I was a procrastinator, when things would have to be turned in at a certain time I always waited last minute to turn it in and recieved a "last minute" grade. It didn't turn out so well all the time but "it's better late then never", they say? Some students tend to follow that saying and don't like the outcome of the grade. As long as I been in school I have noticed running to grades at the end has been a trend. Sometimes students be too focused on other things then their own grades but when the ending of the semester or marking period comes and they know their failing they try to rescue themselves. Majority of the time you can't rescue yourself because your already been sunk in. I think students believe bargaining is found as special acceptable. Our society now has made students feel as though it is okay to fail or they will get reward to fail. We also think we can get unlimited chances so we wait until last minute. Some of these students will even find a way to make the teacher or professor the bad guy because they won't let them turn in work late. I feel as though if you didn't turn it in on time what's the point of trying at the end? I do think we as a society today we have made this a culture. This is the main reason so many students fail their classes because they try to work hard so they could beat the deadline to get their grades up and then they just give up and fail in the end. If we just keep up with the work in the beginning when it all strays we wouldn't have to try to beat any deadlines in the end. We would be satisfied with the outcome Grade. Why wait til the last minute to try to make anything up? Student fail to realize the harder you start the easier it'll be for you in the end.
I would like to start off with myself. I was never a student to bargain with my teachers at the end of a semester because I am responsible for my grade. I always ensure to check my grades at least three times a day to confirm that all of my grades are where they should be. My grades are not all A’s but I am confident that when final grades are posted that I will be passing. Now for the students who do bargain. I have witnessed some individuals who slack most of the year and a week before final grades they ask for a load of extra credit and come to class with months worth of missing work. I have graduated with some people that I did not exactly expect to walk across the stage. The reason behind students believing they can slack all the way until the end of a semester or school year and still make it is because some teachers are gracious enough to allow that to happen. In this society, there are teachers who allow some students to pass after not giving any effort in the class. One reason is because the teacher does not care about how the student works for the grade but only about not wanting to see their face again. There are so many reasons how this society has made it okay for students to slack off the school year and make it.
From my own involvement, I will concede that I have been slacking now and then in High School. I'm not one of those understudies not to hand over work. When I mean by slacking is that when the time had come to show an undertaking I would tarry and give offhand talks to the class, fundamentally, I wasn't generally arranged, yet I never went out fizzling. I could have been exceptional very much arranged, however things happen. I feel as though understudies keep running from their evaluations and keep running back to them toward the end in light of the fact that amid the time we are not by any stretch of the imagination worried about what is happening until the point when we get that advance report and there are coming up short evaluations on it. Advance reports are truly useful in light of the fact that it resembles a reminder. In my High School, I have seen that understudies have been making slacking a pattern. One of my partners was better than average at not handing over work, or even skip class. That partner tend to deal instructors since he was a b-ball player and the b-ball mentor even helped him not fall flat when everybody knew he was assume to. I think haggling can help contingent upon who the individual is. In the event that theirs an understudy in the class who is an aggravation and doesn't complete any work, at that point I see why the instructor would not enable the understudy to out. though if theirs an understudy in the class who is dependably on time and complete their work and carries on well, however bombs on test, at that point I see where a little help can become possibly the most important factor, for example, additional credit. I believe that the general public that we are in today will keep on giving everybody what they need. I sincerely trust that it won't change. You do have a few people who are reasonable and after that you have the individuals who don't and simply think about the watch that they are accepting.
I believe that students run from their grades at the beginning and toward their grades because they come to a realization. The realization is that they should have been prepared for quizzes and test if they had been serious about the class. When they find out their final grade it’s just like you said with the three stages. Denial is the first stage, realization Is the second stage and understanding is the last. Students also do this because they have thought that when not doing simple work is a waste of their time and is more important than going places all the time with friends and family and they realize that they an have all those things as long as their grades are good. Students also think just because they haven’t missed class their grades are good but that is only a portion of their grade.
Yes in my years of school this has been a problem for myself and for people I know ever since I have been in middle school. This is because when students go on a fall or winter break they want the whole week to spend with their friends and family. So when giving work we believe that we can complete these at the last minute. So this is why is must change when you come to college.
Honestly it’s a out time management i am a student who needs to improve in this area. I tend to run to then when i notice im letting time get the best of me. Majority of my life this has been because of personal situations even this year but other students tend to duck off and not care there main focuses are stuff like sex and parties. The anger comes from not realizing that they made a mistake sooner so they blame it on anything and use excuses to make them feel better. Then on top of that college is a new life freshmans must learn to adapt to for example you can literally walk out of class and go to your dorm and take a nap or ,eat when u feel like,socialize when you want. It is so much more freedom but also so much more distractions. You may have a few people who tightens up quicker than others but the rest either falls short or fixest thing over time. Its all about what a person can adapt to. Some students actually accept having c’s or d’s just to get by. Personally i think its all the social media the time spent on that could be spent studying ir writing that paper or doing something productive. This generation fails at utilizing there resources its no reason anyone on a college campus can’t become good at somethey were bad at , its way to many tutors and peopl Who are willing to take time out ther day to help even friends.
Why do you think that students run from their grades all semester , and suddenly run to them towards the end?
I personally think that students that are in college tend to forget what their purpose is on campus. They tend to let their social life’s over ride the real reason why they are on a college campus. When you first start I can say that it can be hard to get accustomed to making sure that all your work is done. It’s a big adjustment when for almost from elementary school threw high school teachers reminded you what was due and what was coming up. But also most students feel that they are just okay with the way they handle there class work and assignments . Also on the other hand students think that professors are supposed to be remind us about things and that’s also a way to get behind on begin to fail your classes. In my years of attending school I have noticed that same trend. I cant lie I have did that a couple of times but every time it happened I made sure that I got caught up with everything for before it was too late. Also it has been trend because when you first get started with school most people feel that at the beginning of the semester or in the middle that they have time to catch up and they also tend too push assignments off closer to the end of the semester as well. Also college is very different from high school or nay other school because with test if you made below a certain score you had the chance too retake or also do test corrections. In college the differences is that professors give you all the dates when certain things are due and you have to be responsible enough to make sure that you stay on top of things. Also when students tend to wait to towards the end they tend to get stressed because they have the worry of either being kicked out school , parents and just the fact of feeling guilty for getting to far behind. When students wait towards the end they tend to ask the teacher to do anything just to get points added to their grade. Usually when this type stuff happens your supposed to fix it and do it better but with the trend in todays society tends to happen over and over again at the beginning of every semester.
Okay so in my years of school I have noticed that this was really common. However, figuratively speaking, I’ve been on both sides of the gate in terms of having to beg and plead to bring my grade up and just staying on top of my grades. Personally, in high school I found myself doing it a lot due to my amount of student involvement with band, mentor programs, and any other organization I was in due to me having to be out of class a lot. Consequently, after a while it became a habit due to my procrastination problem which is a major character flaw I have. Yeah it may seem like a slap in the face to the students who do their work efficiently and on time but I personally believe that if a student didn’t care about their grade they wouldn’t even attempt to help improve it. Now that’s only if you missed like a couple miscellaneous assignments. But for major assignments like a paper that’s 25% percent of your grade, a project, or a test you knew was coming I’m against it because you basically came to school to sit in class and socialize. Now I’m not saying a student should bargain to get by because the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary. However, I am saying if a student already has a good presence in the class, respectful, is positively and consistently engaged in class, and has a good relationship with the teacher, I see no problem with accommodating them for their benefit. Furthermore, I do believe it is a culture our society has created. If you analyze today’s world you notice that in any environment whether it is school, work, sports, and even in politics that can you be the hardest working individual and still not get the same results as the next man who possesses mediocre work ethic but associates heavily with the higher ups such as the principal, the CEO, or the head coach. So, the concept of its not about what you know but who you now is really applied in our society.
In high school I seen the exact situation as explained over and over. In fact I can remember classmates doing this in middle school. It is almost as if students think they can get away without putting in the effort needed to pass or reach a desired grade up until the last minute before grades are due. I believe students rely on the extra credit or being given late days to actually do the assignments given. A lot of students believe they deserve these 2nd chances in every class with every teacher whether they had a legitimate excuse or not. I once watched my classmates (including some personal friends) on the last day of school my sophomore, copying someone’s notebook full of work throughout the semester to gain some sort of points for assignments that were due months previous. I believe many students do this because they do not want to put in the effort till it is almost too late. I think a lot of this behavior falls on who makes the students accountable for their actions or allows them to just slide by. Many teachers don’t want their students to fail and allow them to bring their grades up and make up assignments but allowing them to do so only shows these students that they can ultimately get away without doing their work as they should and putting in any effort at all until they have no other choice or to fail. I do believe society has created this culture where everyone is lenient with each other and are not held accountable.
I feel students should be allowed to make of missed work,but bargaining should not be tolerated. Some students are not taking college serious it is all a game. Half of the students here at WSSU are not focused because of the constant turn up. The other half are really going through stuff like family,financial aid and just problems in general.Students have to realize that working hard pays off. Asking at the last minute should be let go sometimes with evidence of medical emergency or family trauma etc.If those items are not included than it should not be excused. This sets a standard for life about deadlines and how to reach them. This comes in handy for jobs and businesses.It should not be apart of the class and once the work is done it's over once the deadlines is place it needs to be reached. The purpose of college is to set you up for life not only with an extra education but with values for the futrue.So this means not treating you like a child. So no extra lengths, no extended dates, no extra anything just a person transitioning from a teen to adulthood and that should be continued.Constant checking up on grades should allowed this gives them time to check up on whatever is missing and shows the teachers that are determined to make the grade deserved.If a student happens to fall short then a little help can be given, but this should be only for the students trying to do their the best they can.
I think students run from their grade during the semester because they have a lot of distractions and don’t take it as serious as they should. They aren’t really thinking about their grades and think their teacher has their back if they fall short. Some feel that as long as they come to class on test day and pass the test, they are going to pass with a decent grade. In middle and high school if your grade was not up to par then the teacher would tell you, give extra credit, and try to scare them by saying in college they are not going to do this for you. I myself stayed on top of my grades all semester. I was constantly looking on the portal, and asking my teachers if I was good in the class. They also use to give grade reports periodically to just let us know where we were and had to get them signed but my mother did not play so I made sure everything was good. Students usually run toward their grade at the end because when they finally get on blackboard and see their grades they realize it is real and they haven’t reached their goal so their GPA will drop. They try everything in their power to get their grade up now, because they do not want to fail the class. I have noticed over my years of schooling that this is a trend with some students especially athletes because they got more lead way and even if they did fall short they never failed the class. Students bargain because they want to take the easy way out and think the teachers will accept their excuses. I personally think we have created this society because since we were handed a lot in our younger years, students have gotten lazy and everyone is having this thinking now.
I think students run from they grades because some professors be allowing a bunch of time to complete the activity and other make it due by the next class so students be forgetting about the assignment until they see a zero on blackboard. Some students also read they syllabus and do the assignments that count the most and forget about the little that could also affect they grade. In middle and high school still thought about no child left behind so no matter if they do the work or not they was going to pass with some kind of grade. Also back the teachers would keep reminding you about your test coming up, project deadline, when homework was and when a the quiz would be. They assumed when they got here it would be the same way somebody would keep reminding them about work.I guess when your are in middle and high school the teachers are more willing to try to help you succeed and give you more chances. In high school they will curve the exam until the 1st person gets a 100 and now here your grade is your grade. Students bargain because they think it will work because it worked in high school. When they get some professor allow them to do that and others do not so they get mad. I feel as though as the world go on and kids keep getting babyed in high school and middle they assume they can do that when they go to college.
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